Project Overview

ProspectUS is a precious opportunity for Kansas City. It is an opportunity to acknowledge history and the impact of inequitable policies while also celebrating the families, leaders, and efforts that have contributed to the legacy of this historic community. To chart a path forward, we must first understand the present successes and challenges, and then capture current momentum. Transit-oriented development is about creating access, leveraging place, and strengthening value within the community. Recent investments in the Prospect MAX transit provide a foundation from which the community and residents can benefit from improved access to the jobs, education, goods, and services this region has to offer. This process will allow the communities of the Prospect Avenue corridor to define their future and participate in its realization. This is an opportunity we must not miss.

ProspectUS provides us the opportunity to rethink the redevelopment of the communities of the Prospect Corridor working with residents, neighborhood leaders, community partners and businesses to participate, and benefit, from the change defined. The engagement process will be a conversation about the Prospect Avenue corridor and neighborhoods – the current state, desired change, and creating that change. ProspectUS will provide the tools necessary for neighborhoods and stakeholders to redevelop their community strategically and incrementally.

ProspectUS will focus on identifying and gathering a helpful resource of financial and strategic tools – public infrastructure investments, regulatory development standards, and investment financing, to create change in the corridor and neighborhoods. Rooted in the history of the corridor and current market conditions the necessary economic development, investment, development, and fiscal practices will be identified. The actions will focus on infrastructure investments, appropriate development standards, and the application of financial resources and assistance to support incremental redevelopment of the neighborhoods and corridor.

Study Area

Neighborhoods & Housing

Transportation & Public Improvements

Economic Development, Development Financing & Funding

This study will focus on 3 key issue areas:

Project Schedule

 Our Team

The ProspectUS Team is lead by Multistudio (formerly Gould Evans) and includes a mix of planning, urban design, economic development, development market, transportation, infrastructure, and development professional focused on transit-oriented development and incremental, small-scaled, sustainable change. The team was specifically assembled to leverage individual expertise to understand the immediate needs of the stakeholders and create that change along the Prospect Corridor.


Scott Bernstein